makesoldieraclass - This console command sets the class of the soldier with the specified name.If you are using the WOTC DLC, you will also need to specify the 0/1 argument at the end of the command. setsoldierstat - This console command will set the stat of the specified solider to the specified value.going into the Geoscape and back) will apply changes. The game may not update instantly after using This console command - switching screens (e.g. givefacility - This console command will give you the facility with the specified ID at the specified position.If there is an existing facility, debris, or ongoing construction at the position you specify, This console command will not do anything.givetech - This console command will research the technology with the specified ID.Note that you can only have one engineer at once, so this will replace any existing engineer that you have. giveengineer - This console command will give you an engineer of the specified level.Note that you can only have one scientist at once, so this will replace your existing scientist. givescientist - This console command will give you a scientist of the specified level.giveactionpoints - This console command will give the unit that you currently have selected the specified amount of action points.givehackreward - This console command will give you the hack reward with the specified ID.You can optionally specify an amount of the item that you wish to add. additem - This console command will give you the item with the specified ID.Use the additem command to add a resource if you don't already have one. You must have at least one of the resource you wish to add in order for this to work. You can also specify an amount of the resource you wish to add - e.g. giveresource - This console command will give you the resource with the specified ID.You can then open it from the game by pressing the ~, ', or \ key on your keyboard. The console in XCOM 2 can be enabled by adding -allowconsole to your game's launch options.